ADM Contents

  • Maintenance and Operation of large facilities and plants require proper management of asset documentation. The article gives an overview about Asset Lifecycle Documentation for operation and maintenance in the process industry. The objective of this and the following articles is the management of As-built documentation as well as reliable and traceable management of change but also the planning, management and handover of documentation in green field investments. The target audience is owners and operators of large facilities and plants.

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  • In this article, you will learn that there are 6 good reasons why it is paramount to have a proper ADM in place when planning, investing, operating, and maintaining large facilities or plants.

    It is a 10-minute read and you get to know all the essential aspects of ADM.

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  • This article addresses the Asset Lifecycle Documentation and the related ISO standards from

    1. The initial creation of engineering and maintenance documents during the capital project phase through

    2. Handover of as-built documentation to

    3. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) and continuous management of change to

    4. Decommissioning, deconstruction, and retention.

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  • This is the article about the main principles of ADM systems. Learn about their aims, scope, and concepts to comply with industry standards.

    This article and the following are looking closer into the data models of industry standards for engineering and O&M documentation for an owner/operator in the process industry. It derives concepts for ADM Systems from these industry standards and their reference data models.

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  • ISO 15926 and the CFIHOS specify the relationship between Tag Management and Document Management in engineering capital projects.

    The planning, delivery and control of engineering documents is based on tag libraries that represent the physical objects of a plant. Plant/asset documents describe these physical object. Hence, they have a relationship to those objects.

    Maintaining the relationship of engineering document with physical object and their tag numbers has a lot of advantages. It allows users to search and brows documents by the tag hierarchy. It provides the ability to perform quality and completeness checks, and it provides the option to generate “Hot Spots” in drawings and models as a link to the related documents.

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